
We understand that preparing a Will can be a daunting experience for many, however a Will gives you peace of mind that your loved ones will be taken care of following your death. It provides details of your wishes and how you direct for your assets to be distributed.

Having a valid Will makes it easier and less costly for your loved ones/Executors to administer your Estate. If you die without a Will, then the law determines how your assets are distributed.



 A Power of Attorney is a document that allows you to give another person the power to act on your behalf in relation to your property and financial matters. It is just as important as making a will.

You can appoint an Attorney to act for you in different circumstances, for example for a limited period of time during an overseas trip or for a time when you are no longer able to manage your own affairs.



An Enduring Guardian document  allows you to give another person or persons the power to make decisions on your behalf in relation to your lifestyle and medical requirements, such as where you may live, the services you need, what health care you receive or consenting to medical and dental treatment on your behalf.

By appointing an enduring guardian, you are appointing someone to make health and lifestyle decisions for you in the event that you lose the capacity to make your own decisions in these areas.


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